Origami Owl California Living Lockets
Have you seen Origami Owl Living Lockets by Jennylou in California yet? I can be found in San Diego and Ventura County. I have team members all over California and across the nation that share Origami Owl.
Regardless of where I go, it seems that women everywhere take notice of my lockets, especially at gettogethers with family and friends. My favorite part is actually watching the excitement unfold as I give them away as birthday, wedding, and thank you gifts. There is something about receiving a little white box with an owl imprinted on it followed by opening a colorful silk fortune cookie style pouch. Imagine you giving the perfect gift – a locket with 3-5 charms inside – such as a book, music instrument, a child’s birthstone, occupation, faith, or their most treasured cause – sharing the story of life. How would that make you feel. Better yet, how would it make them feel?
My Name is Jennylou Raya Indendent Designer for Origami Owl located in San Diego, California and I would love to host an Origami Owl Party with you and 5-8 of your closest friends.
Share Your Story with Origami Owl
Already have your Designer, your locket, or your Origami Owl business. Share it! Share your best friends story. Your sister’s. Your mother’s.
No pressure. No run-around. No hassle. . .Host a party with me or order from the comfort of your home at http://www.locketsandcharms.orgimaiowl.com/how-to-build
You can also reach me via Contact Me! form.
The Origami Owl Jewelry Bar I Bring to YOU!
My goal is to alwways give you an amazing Origami Owl Jewelry Bar Experience. Here is a peek of what you can expect at your very own Origami Owl party. You bring your friends, I bring the jewelry, and YOU reap the benefits of a fast and fun party, and FREE Origami Owl jewelry! Book your San Diego Origami Owl Jewelry bar today or ask for a free catalog! locketsandcharms@gmail.com
Can’t make it to a Jewelry Bar? Go online to make your very own Origami Owl locket http://locketsandcharms.origamiowl.com/how-to-build-it/