You many have heard words recently that Think Goodness is closing down its doors. Think Goodness (what is now the Company name with several brands including Origami Owl Jewelry under it) announced changes that will go into effect as of September 1, 2023.
So are they really shutting their doors? Read on to find out.
In the first day of August 2023, 12 years and 6 months after I joined what was then only Origami Owl Jewelry, Think Goodness Purpose Partners received the news of upcoming changes.
Think Goodness has been a long time member of the DSA (Direct Selling Association) and has been a company referred to by many as an MLM (multi-level marketing company), due to its function of not only sales of physical products but also a company having a component of sponsorship and recruitment as part of its business model.
As of September 2023, they will embody a Single-Level Distribution Model.

Think Goodness will be transitioning into what they see as the future of direct sales: a single level distribution model. What this means is that there will no longer be the concept of an upline or downline or compensation based on such structures. A push for sponsoring or recruiting by the company and their reps will no longer play a role directly or implied with Think Goodness. The focus of Think Goodness will be on sales of their products under their Family of Brands and its growth within their respective industries:

In 2022, the jewelry industry was a $91.5 billion industry, up $5 billion from 2021. By 2026, it is expected to grow to $330 billion.

In 2022, the beauty industry was a $98.3 billion globally. By 2031, it is expected to grow to $272 billion.

The cosmetics industry was $72.74 billion in 2022 with clean beauty in great growth year after year. By 2030, as consumers are more aware of what they put on, it is expected to grow over $114 billion.

The wellness and supplements industry is a $39.4 billion industry in the US alone and that too is forecasted for great growth.
With uplines and downlines gone + sales of products in growing industries here to stay, what now?

Every current and future Purpose Partner (aka sales rep) will be at a single level compensation. All pay is primarily based on personal sales and no more team activity will determine the earnings or titles of their Partners.
- No more encouragement or push to meet numbers at the end of the month or recruit. What a relief! I honestly hated this part of the business model. Though I know that some wanted the push and guidance and would thrive in their sales if I “coached ” them, the majority, (including myself from my uplines), did not appreciate it. I do apologize to those who joined me these past years and did not find the push they wanted as I was not that.
2. The back office systems will change for those who have and will run Think Goodness as a Purpose Partner. The shopping experience both for the Purpose Partners and Customers will also change. In short, new system and technology will have enhanced features for a more seamless experience. I heard something about Cart Sharing – more on that another time.
3. For Influencers or Affiliate Marketers or those who do not see Think Goodness as business to run and cultivate a customer base with, there will be a more focused opportunity for you to cash in on Think Goodness products that result in sales via your referral links posted on your socials, videos, and other sites online.
4. Starting September 1st, all sales made by Purpose Partners will yield at 35% commission across the board – all the time. No more less than 35% commissions for not meeting a certain level or title for the month. And when a Purpose Partner purchases for themselves, they receive 35% off retail pricing on their products. Bonus: After reaching $3500 in retail sales, Purpose Partners jump up to 40% commission and 40% personal discount. Affiliates will yield 15% commission on their sales generated through their links and have a 15% discount for themselves.
5. On top of earned commissions from personal sales of Purpose Partners, there will be bonuses earned for new customer sales, new customer subscriptions, and referrals into Think Goodness Family of Brands for both Purpose Partners and Affilliates.
6. No longer wait more than a day to get paid. Up to this point, PayQuicker has been the only system where commissions are paid out and forwarded to our banks. Soon, we will have the option to receive our earnings via Venmo, PayPal, and get paid in as short as a day. Gone is a week of waiting for payday! For those who stay with PayQuicker, the wait is a week.
So there you go.. is Think Goodness closing down?
Think Goodness is NOT CLOSING down.
Think Goodness with Origami Owl and its other brands are not closing its doors. The model as we have known it since its beginning in 2012 – the MLM model where recruiting and team sales play a role in how much you get paid and what’s measured as success in any MLM company – that will be GONE and coming to an end with the end of August 2023.
Me? Will be shutting down?
I’m here to stay!
- Sales are good.
- The part I hated (the recruiting part) is gone.
- The ick of MLM (understandably so) will no longer taint the good that Origami Owl has always been to me – and thousands of others – much longer. I have always shared the products because the products are beautiful and of great quality. I never shared because I just wanted to make money off other people.
- The ability for anyone to make some money through sales of products by sharing our sites and links (never hounding or being that annoying person online or in person) remains a reality.
- I will no longer be making a commission on the downline that I have but I am ok with that. Yes, it means that I will make less now unless I make up for it in personal sales. But overall, I am happy with the more good for the whole earning 35%-40% on their sales. I believe the good to the majority will yield more than the loss to a few who earned a downline check. I do think that sales will grow company-wide and mine as well due to these changes.
- BONUS: No longer can a potential customer – or venue – say NO and our wonderful products because Think Goodness is an MLM company. As of September 1st, 2023, WE ARE NOT an MLM! We are straight independent commission sales reps with Think Goodness as a Brand Partner or Affilliate and I appreciate your continued support.
Shop with me, your favorite Purpose Partner since 2012: