Late last year, Origami Owl transitioned from their retail mall location from the mall to the direct sales model, which is selling through independent designers.
In less that 2 months, It has grown past the 1000 mark. I joined the 3rd week of January and got my ID # 1186, Days later, my friend signs up and she was #1200. Everything looked normal to me.
I joined my upline’s upline FB page for her Team, and witnessed the growth from end of January to mid-March to over a couple hundred – 200+ new Designers in 2 months on her down line alone!
Then 1500, and soon after, a freeze came in March that was followed by a wait-list… and today there are reportedly 5000 on the wait list. I do not know that for sure, but I do know that there are at least 4,565 because my latest Designer in Waiting got #4565.
The freeze was put in place not to “hype” anything up. Yes, I could see how people could think that, as companies have done this demand vs. scarcity ploy as part of their marketing strategy. Yes, it is exciting when there is a line of people as it must mean something is up and it may be something good. Like the 2 hour wait at Fashion Valley’s Cheesecake Factory on a Saturday night? People like to be where the “crowd” is, it makes them feel good to be a part of something so wanted, and because of this truth, some companies do create “a line” to create a “hype” but this Origami Owl freeze was definitely not a freeze to create demand.
Why is there a freeze with Origami Owl?
The truth was and is, the freeze was put in place because there wasn’t enough stuff to go around, people were waiting 2 weeks up to a month or more waiting for their charms. It really made me upset. It made many upset. At the same time, it was quite understandable as some Teams were selling over $100,000 in lockets for the month! So needless to say, demand superseded supply and a freeze needed to be put in place.
Also, with so much growth came demand for bigger and better infrastructure. Home office needed to not only get supply up but they also needed to hire the hands to run the the home office, the hands to pack and ship, and get the right training to all new “owl babies.” A responsible company should not keep “birthing babies” without feeding them and raising them with the culture and values they want to instill in their new ambassadors. With Origami Owl, there were so many new Designers that they needed to equip then and do so quickly early on, with the company culture and correct message, if they wanted to have a better grasp of the message and branding these new babies were sending out to the public. All this would not have been possible without a freeze at the rate that Origami Owl was growing at by mid-March, as growth was growing exponentially while everything else – such as supply and training – was heading the other way.
So I hope this has clarified a little bit about whether or not the happenings of Origami Owl were manufactured hype by the company or if it really was organic. I will personally say that it was not manufactured but the wait-list crowd has really intrigued a lot of people in the industry and the high numbers of the wait-list may have piqued interest and have caused them to be one of the 4500+ on the wait-list. Wouldn’t you be a bit curious if you saw a line of 4500 people waiting for so something for so long? I know I would 😉
So what’s happening now? I’m looking at joining this company and was curious ~
Hi Susan, the wait list number has grown to about 13,000. The company only has about 4500 independent designers.
Hello, I ran across your blog and had a couple of questions. First, I signed up for the wait list just the other day. I have 6200 people in front of me. Any idea what the total number of consultants is as of right now? Secondly, do you think that there is more potential to bring on new consultants and build a team?
Hello Kelly,
They have let in 3500 people the last 2 weeks. If they keep up their pace or even slow down a bit, it may be a month. My latest addition is Designer # 9196. That means that there are 8,000 reps right now because just because one has a Designer #, some are actively working the business. With Origami Owl being less than a year old, there is plenty of potential to bring in new people like yo,u and you bring in more of those you come across and want to join with you. Every day the waitlist grows because every day more and more people are finding out. Other direct sellers I know are in companies with 250,000 reps and have been open for 7 years. Origami Owl is so new and you are still at the very front. If you are looking for a mentor and consider me, let me know, and I can get you situated with the materials that you need.
I am seriously considering origami owl as a business venture. I love the necklace and saw it for the first time on a woman in the store just a few days ago. Since then I have been frantically looking for someone who sold it to order one, and can’t find anyone anywhere!!! This made me think that it may be a good thing to look at, I definitely would like a mentor as I don’t want to jump in and be overwhelmed with no leads and become discouraged. I do have a few questions. Once you start having parties and selling do you earn off the downline that you create? do you have to pay for the hostess rewards or does the company pay for that? also can you set up at craft fairs, or even set up a table at the local flea market on a saturday to drum up potential clients to host a party, or even purchase a locket, or can you only strictly do home parties? I would love to learn more about this and look forward to hearing from you in the future!!!
Many Blessings,
Thank you for connecting with me Deanna, it’s been great connecting with you since you reached out on July 17. Keep a look out in your inbox for all you need to get started!
Hi Deanna,
I considered becoming an Origami Owl rep but the wait time is frustrating! I have been doing a lot of research and found Tulipwood Lane, which is a new national direct sales company offering more styles of lockets, a greater variety of charms and better commissions. They have 5 styles of bracelets, they offer the heart locket and key chains too. I have seen their product recently at a state fair and it is high quality. Just seems like high quality + greater variety = greater sales potential. The best part, there is no wait time! I have done my homework on this company because I am a stickler to detail and I find this company to be a great opportunity. Check them out [deleted]
Hello Alissa,
Thank you for taking the time to come to my Origami Owl blog to state your opinion and target my readers. I would like to say congrats on your new company, that i love free enterprise and small businesses especially start ups but please find your own means of marketing yourself. Perhaps you should put in the time and money to start a blog too?? =) There is plenty of business and customers outside of my blog. I did drop by your company’s FB page to repay your visit and see the quality you speak of. We do have similarities but I do hope you get to see our items side by side, our bonus overrides unmatched, our bracelets and Fall items that will blow everything else already out there out of the water because they have taken it several steps better before releasing. Oh and in case you did not know, there is NO MORE WAIT LIST, YAY!!!! No more wait list is such an awesome thing. Lastly, I did request on your company FB Page to tell reps to stay off my blog and any other O2 blogs to recruit reps for your company as you did here Sept 1st. Yes the public should know about options, but not on my Origami Owl blog, please. thank you. All the best, Jennylou <3