Today is the last day of your 2014 book. Before you start a new page, despite all the good and bad, up and downs in this roller coaster, drama, and unforeseen twists and turns in what we call life, what are you doing today to make your 2014 story have a great ending?
Today, I am tying up loose ends and finish what I can finish today so that tomorrow is a day of relaxation. Also, reflecting on the amazing provisions of God and going forward into the doors that He is opening for us in 2015!!
Wherever you are, know that you are LOVED and from our family to yours…
Cheers to you and…
… and may you be wide open and ready to receive the blessings and fullness that life has to offer. Life is a gift, and for me, the best way to make use of it is to live it in such a way that blesses those around me and glorifies our Maker.
As we all finish off the year, our book of 2014, may we reflect, finish up, accomplish, what it was we wanted to do for the year. Don’t let the unfinished, unresolved and untouched goals and desires get you down. Simply bring over the old goals yet to be accomplished and make them new again. Our stories, our dreams and our goals are not over when 2014 closes. Simply look forward to starting a new book: 2015.
What are some things that I will be doing this year?
* Volunteer for my favorite cause. I will be continuing my favorite cause which is my Saturday morning volunteer opportunity with the beautiful ladies at a nearby convalescent home. They love to get hands pampered and their nails painted (even though I am no good at it). Just being there is enough. They bless me so much simply by allowing me to connect with them in this way.
*Work my fitness plan. I will say that I am not a fitness buff. I don’t like to sweat but I do miss the results I see after putting in some time at my nearby ballet barre studio. When in a session, I’m thinking “OMG, what is this?!” And then you see the results and all is well again. But even more than that, the health for the heart and the ability of the body to defend and prevent itself from injury makes it even more important.
*Eat healthy. This is a pretty easy one for me. Almost all the foods that we eat are organic, locally sourced, and from reputable sources. What I do need to work on is portion control and ask myself sometimes, “Do I really need a second bowl of white (organic) rice?”
*Make everyday a celebration. This can be tough. A list-maker that I am, I have lots to do, need to get through, and get done before I hit the pillow. Sadly, I must admit here are days when I do not celebrate my kids or the hubby enough. What I am learning is that kids and hubby have to be put on the list too or else, I don’t get to it. And when a few of these days go by, I’m a crying mess because I realize that I have missed out on the best things because I am working on good things. Work is not bad, having lots to do is not bad. It is not celebrating what matters to me on a daily basis is what’s bad for me. It may not look like it now, but it will surely surface later. So, yeah… celebrate =)
And to add to this list, for 2015, I am working on work/life/family/teacher balance. I am an Ind. Designer with Origami Owl, an Executive Team Leader with a wide frontline and deep rooted team. I live life as a believer in service to God and others and my family. My mantra for 2015 is “Execution, not Perfection” and that goes for my role in everything, including my role as a homeschooling mother and homemaker. Origami Owl allows me the flexibility to wear all these hats and fulfill all these roles. I am thankful for all there is in my life and the opportunities that are plentiful and may I always have the wisdom and to do the best things over other things, no matter how good the other things may be.
I wish you the very best for you in 2015!!!