Origami Owl® Hostess Exclusive Extended through July!
Hi there, here is the long awaited Origami Owl® Hostess Exclusive on video. You may have seen the Hostess Rewards sheet but here, I break it down for you how it works and talk about the pieces that is included in it.
This has been extended through July 2013. The Hostess Exclusives with be something else after that, and no one knows what they will be
Is Origami Owl Custom Jewelry Company Suturated?
Regarding “saturation,” I really do not think this is so with a company that is in existence for 16 months. We have barely put a dent. #25818 is my newest team mate. that means less than that number to compete with in the whole United States. As I always say, people do business with people they know and like, so be known and be likeable. The O2 reps around each other have not saturated the market. If anything, they drum up clout and interest as customers want what their friends have. Saturation is what our competitors like to make DIWs think of with O2. Yet, if it were so, why would there be such fight for DIWs to sell the same concept or personal and custom jewelry, to the point, they poach O2s DIWs or come out with offerings looking like O2. They know there is a great demand for lockets, for custom jewelry otherwise, they wouldn’t be here. Regardless of what company, they will buy from people they know and like – whether it be you or someone else. So the last can be first and the first can be last. That is the beauty of this industry. No one stops us but our mental limitations.
You Received Your Origami Owl DIW Invite, Now What?
No Origami Owl DIW saw it coming, but it came. Here it is. And it says…..
“Congratulations! Your time has come! You are just a few moments away from beginning your new career with Origami Owl as a full-fledged Designer!…”
What will you do?
A. You can read further and click on the link to sign up now and no longer be an Origami Owl DIW, or
B. You can let it pass you by. You may even choose to delete the email. If still unsure, you can even archive the email. Maybe even request to be in front of the line in a future wave.
Either way, you will be making a choice. A decision to join or a decision not to join.
Let’s assume, you’ve chosen to proceed and be an Independent Designer.
You have another choice to make, if you have not already: Choosing a Mentor.
For most people, this is easy. They have had a Mentor in mind (for several months now, actually), they have their Mentor’s ID# tattooed to their brain and ready to enter the split second that Designer Application Form arrives.
But many, have no clue who their Mentor will be, where or how to choose, or what to even look for if they were not to let the system randomly choose a Mentor for them.
Your Mentor can be any current Independent Designer with Origami Owl. This person can be a full-time seasoned Independent Designer, the girl next door who does it casually, a newbie just like you, or anything in between. There is no wrong or right answer in what your Mentor can be with Origami Owl but you probably know better than anyone else what a good Mentor is for you. You can choose a Mentor or Origami Owl will choose one for you. Choice is powerful, you have it, make it. Regardless who chooses, the Mentor is yours to keep forever. Tell fate to step aside and you do the choosing on this one.
Here is what I recommend for those with invites and not have a Mentor in mind:
Search for a Mentor. You may ask your grapevine, scope out your neighborhood, search online, or contact OrigamiOwl.com for some help in finding you someone local. If you received your email today, you have until June 22, 2013 to decide on a Mentor.
Take a look at my recommendations on how to go about this in my links below.
Then, once you have a picture of your desired Mentor, interview some of them. You have the right to know what and who you are coming in with. It is permanent and its effects can be lasting. Meet with them, phone interview them, email back and forth. Hint: Technology is a great tool to help in finding the right mentor for you. Don’t let the websites or the number of their FB friends be the ultimate decision maker. Some of the best in the company is nowhere to be found online. It ultimately comes down to, who would you like to work with day in a day out? I recommend personality first, everything else is second.
Third, find out what they will do for you after you sign up with them. Will you ever hear from them again? Do they have plans for you to grow and to help you in your first baby steps? Are they reachable, are they approachable, do they have the heart of a teacher? Think on these things.
With these three things, you can be an Origami Owl DIW who makes a well-inofrmed decision. Lastly, let your desired Mentor know that you are interested in joining with them. Get plugged in to his or her Origami Owl life and knowledge. Glean all you can, utilize his or her knowledge and resources she has gathered during her path with Origami Owl. A great Mentor is always willing to share and want more for your growth than she wants for herself. May you find your beloved Mentor and I wish you the very best with Origami Owl. There are over 25,000 amazing Independent Designers you can sign up with. How will you choose?
Jennylou Raya, Mentor & Independent Designer #1186
Feel free to read up on past posts on Mentorship and my life as an Origami Owl Mentor:
Interested in becoming a part of Origami Owl? Sign up on the Waitlist at http://locketsandcharms.origamiowl.com/join/how-it-works/
Of course, the waitlist is the only the beginning. Connect with your Mentor or if you do not have one, check out http://youtube.com/locketsNcharms to learn more about me and the kinds of things I do with my team one one one.
Lucky 17 is Today’s Magic Number for Origami Owl
Why do I say this?
Today is June 17, 2013.
Today is Bella’s Birthday – she turned 17! Happy Birthday Bella!
But that is not all. The surprise – the birthday gift – is for you!
Today Origami Owl sent invitations to 1700 to become Independent Designers!!!! Today is the birthday for so many who have waited patiently to be a part of an amazing company.
Woohoo! Back flips and jumping up and down over here and everywhere!!
Welcome to Origami Owl 1700 AMAZING Ladies and Gentlemen! You are now here for a chance of something different – something better.
As my kids say, “The first path, or the second path?”
Your invite is here, which path will you take?
Leave me a comment below if you are one of today’s 1700 Independent Designers.
I would love to hear from you, welcome you, and give you a virtual hug for taking the opportunity to take a great chance on you!
Jennylou Raya
If you are still in search of a Mentor to enter in the Mentor box during the sign up application, feel free to consider me, Mentor & ID #1186 😉
More importantly find a Mentor that is right for you. Check out my following Blog post for some tips!
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