… but heads up, with origami owl, things seem to go or run out real fast. People love this stuff!
I know a few have asked about selling Origami Owl in the past (via blog, email, text, on my @locketsncharms social platforms), so I thought I would share this here.
Origami Owl headquarter is extending to 1000 people the ability to join for free. No products or kits BUT you have a website people can buy from. It’s like affiliate marketing but you have a website FOR FREE!
I’m not a recruiter at heart but I am a sharer of information, especially on things that I think are of interest and benefit to people. I don’t push people to join. And I don’t push to hit up your friends or family after you join. That’s ew! What I do do is simply share it. If I love something or think it’s beautiful, I share it. If people see it and love it too, they buy. And that is how I do Origami Owl.
No extravagant promises from me of get rich or become debt free if you join me. This is just a heads up on this company offer to join in for free, share the jewelry and make some extra money (20-50% commission on each piece). It works if you work it and people like what you’re selling. It’s beautiful, personalize-able jewelry.
They do have some icing on the cake for those who join for free and make sales before January 31, 2018:
This locket key to be released with the spring collection 2018 becomes the property of every new designer who sell 100 personal volume points. That’s an Origami Owl points system calculated by retail price minus your commission serving number. In short, it’s about $150-175 in jewelry sales sold by you, you make a commission off that, and get this beautiful thing for FREE.
It’s been good extra and fun money for us and it could be for you too. I joined with the $199 kit in January 2012 and you can join for free today, while spaces last. They have allotted 1000 spaces only in the 4 days they are offering this up. It will close, whichever one comes first.
As long as there’s still space, you can sign up at https://locketsandcharms.origamiowl.com/enrollment/joinourteam (scroll down to the $0 Kit)
You may also join via OrigamiOwl.com
If you don’t know an Origami Owl ID#, consider mine. I am Jennylou Raya, ID #1186
Have a question? Text me 858 243 4568. I am Cali / pacific time zone but a night owl so text away đ
Love ya!
Remember to check out our latest collection at http://locketsandcharms.origamiowl.com