Just a little bit of time left for many of our pieces and these will be gone for good so get them while you can!
Offer expires January 2, 2025!
Get them all at https://my.thinkgoodness.com/locketsncharms

Origami Owl Lockets and Charms
@LocketsNcharms - A Think Goodness Brand Partner
by Jennylou
Just a little bit of time left for many of our pieces and these will be gone for good so get them while you can!
Offer expires January 2, 2025!
Get them all at https://my.thinkgoodness.com/locketsncharms
Origami Owl Independent Designer since 2012. We want to share our love of Origami Owl Living Lockets with you. We are a company that provides the ability to create an affordable and treasure-able keepsake for you or for someone you love.