I was sitting in a social media class at the Origami Owl National Convention (#o2nationalconvention) and someone asked, “How do I open up a Twitter account?” Another asked, “How do I get a Pinterest account?” It was quick to think of an answer in my head to these questions and it included the word ‘Google’ in it.
But then someone asked, “What is a hashtag?” That intrigued me. How would I answer this question? Some people threw out some answers of what it was, as well as the facilitator. Though useful answers they were, I didn’t feel that I would have truly understood what a hashtag was with the answers I heard.
I soon started thinking more and more about it, eventually “googling” it and I noticed that there are many ways to explain ‘hashtags’ and that I share with you here. Before, I answer the title of this blog post, “What’s the Deal with Hashtags #Growo2 #origamiowl?” I would like to answer the person that asked what a hashtag was in that social media class that Saturday afternoon of #Growo2.
1. WHAT IS A ‘HASHTAG’? The plain dictionary definition states:
hash·tagˈhaSHtag/nounplural noun: hashtags
(on social media sites such as Twitter) a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic.“spammers often broadcast tweets with popular hashtags even if the tweet has nothing to do with them”
the hash or pound sign (#).
The Urban Dictionary definition does a great way of explaining how it came to be and used: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hashtag
To see what it has become for everyday hashtag users on social media, as well as see how fun hashtags can get, watch this YouTube video:
(source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57dzaMaouXA) Do you have an inkling or sense of understanding of what a hashtag is now?
If you are still reading, you may want to now know…
Let me share how this relates to Origami Owl (this is afterall, my blog of things Origami Owl). Some of us who already knew what hashtags were were probably using this way before #o2nationalconvention even started. If one had never heard of it before, you inevitably came across it soon after arrival as our swag bags given to us included literature that said to use #Growo2 #origamiowl when sharing online in regards to all things that were to come in the days ahead.
Hashtags were found everywhere, including the Jeep that someone won at convention. See that big o’ #origamiowl in the back?
Now you may be thinking… I now know what it is, I see it being used but…
You use hashtags to be a part of the conversation when you post or you can use it to see what others are posting on any particular word or topic. Though hashtags were initially mostly used on twitter, you can join or view the “conversation” in all the major social media platforms such as Instagram and Google+. For example, when you see a post of mine online with ‘#origamiowl’, you can click on it and you can see everything else that has been posted publicly by others with ‘#origamiowl’ in it too. You get to see all the #OrigamiOwl talk on the social media platform you are currently on. And when you add #OrigamiOwl to your Origami Owl related posts (and set it to public view), others can see you as part of the Origami Owl talk.
In a nutshell, clicking on hashtag shows you a collective feed of everyone’s post on a particular topic such as OrigamiOwl (#OrigamiOwl). Want to see people who were at convention and their posts? Log in to your preferred social media accounts and search #Growo2 (the official hashtag for the event). You can also search related ones such as #origamiowl and #o2nationalconvention to the same posts, as the one posted deemed these hashtags relevant to their post. If you see anything you like, you can retweet or repost to help spread and give klout to your own Origami Owl business.
There are many ways to use hashtags in real life. Some use it for research, some use it for fun. The majority use it for a mix of both research and fun. Want to see what others are saying about anything in particular, such as organic food or a celebrity? Add a hashtag to the topic or in front of a name and everything hashtagged with it pops up. You can find real time talk of anything and even see what is a hot topic aka “trending,” particularly on Twitter.
Just for fun and curiosity, I have used hashtags on Twitter to connect with others watching the same TV show at real time, talking to others as if they were sitting beside me on the couch but in reality, hundreds of miles away. On Instagram, hashtags connects you with the pictures of others. I love to post my fashion pics and see the fashion pics of others. For example, when I post a fashion pic with my Ipsy, Birchbox, and Stitchfix items, I add hashtags to the related company names, and post. After posting, that hash-tagged words turn to links. Click on one of them and you will see your picture and the pictures of others who used the same hashtag. For twitter, it pulls up the hash-tagged sentences of others Twitterers.
That is ultimately up to you. How you use it too is ultimately up to you. You can use hashtags to look at everyone else’s stuff online (strictly as a lone social lurker) or you can use it to be a part of something bigger or trending and be included with everyone else’s post linked to a particular hashtag. I personally like it. I view hashtags that interest me or relate to me. Sometimes I find a new online friend, sometimes I don’t. It’s fun and if one ever feels like one does not belong or relate to any hashtag, you can create and belong to your own hashtag. You can start one your own. Just like that. Try it ‘# + ___________.’ Before you know it, you will be the hashtag pro and you just might go hashtag crazy =)
Do share. What is one way you have found hashtags useful to you?
Want to see how I use hashtags? Connect with me on Instagram and on Twitter.