Regarding “saturation,” I really do not think this is so with a company that is in existence for 16 months. We have barely put a dent. #25818 is my newest team mate. that means less than that number to compete with in the whole United States. As I always say, people do business with people they know and like, so be known and be likeable. The O2 reps around each other have not saturated the market. If anything, they drum up clout and interest as customers want what their friends have. Saturation is what our competitors like to make DIWs think of with O2. Yet, if it were so, why would there be such fight for DIWs to sell the same concept or personal and custom jewelry, to the point, they poach O2s DIWs or come out with offerings looking like O2. They know there is a great demand for lockets, for custom jewelry otherwise, they wouldn’t be here. Regardless of what company, they will buy from people they know and like – whether it be you or someone else. So the last can be first and the first can be last. That is the beauty of this industry. No one stops us but our mental limitations.
Home » Blog {Posts} » Is Origami Owl Custom Jewelry Company Suturated?
About Jennylou
Origami Owl Independent Designer since 2012. We want to share our love of Origami Owl Living Lockets with you. We are a company that provides the ability to create an affordable and treasure-able keepsake for you or for someone you love.