Tomorrow, Origami Owl will be inviting 1,500 Independent Designers in to the company. Independent Designers (ID) are those who have the right to sell or represent in the sales of Origami Owl Jewelry. IDs have been waiting an average of 2 months to hear this good news and their wait is soooo very much worth it.
I am 3 weeks short of a year with the company and my journey with them has been pretty darn good!
Why such a long wait? Plain and simple: To keep business strong and steady with a controlled flow on the numbers of Designers coming in. Each time a Designer comes in, it affects supplies as they purchase to sell and as they bring in more customers. The new additions require more support in the Customer side as well an increase of work flow for Designer Care. If they were to let several thousands (I hear it is nearing 10,000 on the wait-list right now), it can become chaotic. Think Black Fridays at Walmarts captured on camera 😉
1,500 Designers coming in at one wave came as a surprise to me. In the past, it has been 250 – 500 Designers each time a wave (or group) is accepted in. This is so awesome to hear for many anxiously waiting, as many did not expect to get in until weeks or even a month from now.
Have you joined the waitlist? You can learn about how it works and and sign up on the waitlist at any Designer’s website. My site is
When you are ready to join the waitlist or officially get in the company, make sure to contact that Designer you are signing with, they don’t get an email alert of DIW. If you don’t have a Designer in mind for a Mentor, feel free to keep me in mind. I am Origami Owl Designer #1186.
Are you already on the waitlist?
Check your placement by entering your waitlist code at If you are 980 that means that you are in the first 980 waiting to get in and you will get in tomorrow!!! Contact your future Mentor and ask her for all the materials you can read up and learn now while you wait! Again, she won’t know you are her DIW until you tell her. Contacted her but no response? You can change your future Mentor to another Mentor the day you officially sign up with the company. Once you have entered a Designer as your Mentor upon entry to Origami Owl, it is permanent and can no longer be changed.
To those who are on the waitlist or thinking why should they even join a waitlist? Just think, It is FREE to sign up on the waitlist. You can always decline and there is no penalty, and from those that have been on the wait list and now in with the company, IT IS SO WORTH THE WAIT!
The wait can get better because the time can be used to focus your mindset, make some goals, and even find a Mentor – your direct business partner – that is perfect for you! Once you find “the one Mentor” check in with them and learn EVERYTHING you can learn about the business and how to work the business. Find out what they avail and are offering. I will be starting the publication of Origami Designer Business Tips in video exclusively for those currently in my team and for those that are on the waitlist/ DIW (Designer in Waiting) with me. Stay tuned for more information on that. Hint: It will not be on YouTube.
Give yourself the gift of a new year of possibilities and a new you. I know I did last year on January 24 and I am soooo very glad I did. The small investment in you will forever repay and love you over and over again. Happy New Year!
Hi! I am #8,320!! I feel like it is never going to be my turn! Any advice for while I am waiting? Love your blog by the way!
Good news since our last emails! They let in 1500 on January 3rd and today they let in another 2,000. Sounds like 2 months may just be the worst scenario =) You will be there in no time!